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Pico Union Resources

Neighborhood Purposes Grant (NPG)

Grants for local 501(c)(3) nonprofits and public schools to build community and enhance neighborhoods

Agenda and Minutes

Read minutes and agendas for PUNC meetings.

Interactive Map

Find which Representative's Area you live in. 

City Services

From fire and police departments to public libraries and transportation, the city's services are here to serve you and make Los Angeles a great place to live.


Police Departments

1401 W 6th St

Los Angeles, CA 90017

Report all emergencies to 9-1-1

213-484-3400 (Tel)

1130 Vermont Ave

Los Angeles, CA 90006

Report all emergencies to 9-1-1

213-382-9102 (Tel)

Fire Departments

1335 S Olive St

Los Angeles, CA 90015

Report all emergencies to 9-1-1

213-485-6210 (Tel)

2401 W Pico Blvd

Los Angeles, CA 90006

Report all emergencies to 9-1-1

213-485-6213 (Business Tel)

2009 S Western Ave

Los Angeles, CA 90018

Report all emergencies to 9-1-1

213-485-6226 (Tel)

Mesothelioma Hope

Public Library

1030 S Alvarado St

Los Angeles, CA 90006

213-368-7545 (Tel)

Los Angeles City Council

City Hall

200 N Spring St

Los Angeles, CA 90012

311 (Tel)

213-473-3231 (Tel) 213-473-5990 (TDD)

City Hall Office

200 N Spring St, Room 460

Los Angeles, CA 90012

213-473-7001 (Tel)

213-473-7462 (Fax)

City Hall Office

200 N Spring St, Room 420

Los Angeles, CA 90012

213-473-7010 (Tel)

213-485-9829 (Fax)

Los Angeles City Clerk

200 N Spring St, Room 360

Los Angeles, CA 90012

Los Angeles City Attorney

City Hall East

200 N Main St, Ste 800

Los Angeles, CA 90012

213-978-8100 (Tel)

MyLA 311 Service Requests

311 (Tel)

213-473-3231 (Tel)

Los Angeles Metro

Wilshire/Vermont Metro Customer Service Center

3183 Wilshire Blvd, Ste 174

Los Angeles, CA 90010

323-466-3876 (Tel - 323.GO.METRO)

Los Angeles Bureau of Street Services

1149 S Broadway, 4th Floor

Los Angeles, CA 90015

311 (Tel)

213-473-5990 (TTY)

Los Angeles Department of Building and Safety (LADBS)

201 N Figueroa St

Los Angeles, CA 90012

311 (Tel)

213-473-3231 (Tel)

Los Angeles Sanitation

1-800-773-2489 (Tel)


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